Lights, Camera, Love update

Chapters 7 & 8 posted folks under fan fiction.  Enjoy!

About Laura Barnes

I spent most of my gypsy childhood traveling the US in the back seat of a car with my nose stuck in a book. After discovering the expansive world of Star Trek at age 12, I quickly became invested. From there it was a wondrous journey from aliens to dragons to demons, the quirkier the better! I began writing stories of my own, but by college had begun to focus my talents into a more marketable field: journalism. I invested heavily in my career, earning a fellowship to the University of Montana. But, after a series of health problems and the uneasy realization that I wasn't happy with my choices despite my success, I spent some time finding myself. Eventually my love for writing resurfaced, and I now devote myself to a melding of interests: creating scifi and fantasy stories with a social twist, and urban homesteading. I live happily on Maryland's Eastern shore with my wonderful husband, three small dogs, a odd ball troop of cats, and eight backyard hens.
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3 Responses to Lights, Camera, Love update

  1. joxxsvm says:

    So looking forward to more in this story…. I am afraid i have turned into a bit of a stalker over on Eric Northman. net for updates… it’s all quite sad but i am just in love with it.


    • Laura Siri says:

      Lol…. I don’t mind you stalking my story. Besides being highly complementary, it gives me motivation to write. Plus, I’m just as obsessed with the characters as you are, I’m sure. I’ve been reading the books since I was 14, and I never miss an episode of TB. Like EVER. So you’re in good company. 😀

    • Laura Siri says:

      P.S. there’s a new chappie up already, here and at 😀

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